Cinyanja and Setswana Harmonization Workshop


A Harmonization Workshop for the Cinyanja and Setswana Vehicular Cross-Border Languages took place in Gaborone, Botswana, between May 29 and 30, 2011.

One of the areas that have been identified by the Vehicular Cross-Border Language Commissions during their planning workshops, is the Harmonization and Standardization of the orthographic systems of the languages, whose objectives are twofold:

  1. allowing uniformity in the writing system of these languages,
  2. making learning materials available for mother tongue literacy campaigns.

In its work plan for the biennium 2010-11, UNESCO-BREDA also has the harmonization and standardization of the orthographic systems of the Vehicular Cross-Border Languages, and their promotion in multilingual literacy programmes on its agenda.

BREDA has therefore supported ACALAN’s efforts to harmonize the writing systems of Cinyanja and Setswana in Southern Africa.


The workshop aimed at reviewing the outcomes of earlier works on harmonization concerning these languages, identifying areas that still need to be addressed, and to recommending the way forward in terms of what needs to be done to address the lack of implementation of the decisions taken on earlier workshops.

The technical reports are available upon request.

Please contact Dr. Lang Fanfa Dampha, Senior Research and Programmes Officer at: [email protected]