
Function of the Executive Secretariat

The Executive Secretary is the Chief Executive and the Legal Representative of ACALAN. He discharges the following duties subject to the directives of the Board:
  1. Manage ACALAN Secretariat;
  2. Be the authorizing officer of the ACALAN budget;
  3. Implement the directives of the Board and report to it thereon;
  4. Prepare the programme of activities, the financial report and the ACALAN Report;
  5. Prepare and submit to the Board the Draft Budget, Activity Report, Rules of Procedure of the various organs and the Plan of Action of ACALAN for consideration and approval;
  6. Attend all meetings of the Board and act as its Secretary;
  7. Be responsible for collecting and disseminating results of linguistic research;
  8. Coordinate training programmes for researchers;
  9. Ensure the archiving of documents and establish a data bank;
  10. Ensure the production and translation of ACALAN publications in the vehicular trans-border languages and partner languages;
  11. Ensure the publication of the ACALAN bulletin;
  12. Monitor the implementation of the Language Plan of Action for Africa;
  13. Perform any other functions in line with the objectives of ACALAN.
  14. Should the position fall vacant or the Executive Secretary be prevented from discharging the above duties, he/she shall be temporarily replaced by the most senior Official within the Secretariat until the appointment of the new Executive Secretary.